Twitter Analysis (English)

We searched Twitter for all tweets that contained the words and word combinations listed in the taxonomy. Below are the main findings from this Twitter analysis, which include volume of tweets over time, top hashtags and topics tweeted about, links used and accounts mentioned.

Top Hashtags

This graph shows which hashtags are used the most in tweets about climate change. Note that these hashtags are not necessarily listed in the taxonomy.

Click on bar to go to the hashtag on

Top Topics

This graph compares the main topic areas of the climate-related tweets, based on the topic areas used in the taxonomy.

Top Mentions

This graph shows which Twitter accounts are mentioned most often when people tweet about climate change.

Click on bar to go to the user on

Most Prolific Accounts

This graph shows which Twitter accounts have written the most tweets about climate change.

Click on bar to go to the user on

Top Domains

The graph to the right shows which website domains are most often linked to when people tweet about climate change.

The one below shows the actual pages linked to mosted often.

Click on bar to go to the website